Marie Curie ESR - MRC Centre for Developmental and Biomedical Genetics, University of Sheffileld

This is an exciting opportunity to join a highly successful research group working on the molecular basis of polycystic kidney disease led by Professor Albert Ong. These two posts have been funded by the European Union as part of a new Marie Curie Initial Training Network (TranCYST) under the FP7 programme. This network which comprises 7 leading academic partners, 4 private sector partners and 1 NGO will offer a multifaceted research training programme in order to develop the next generation of multidisciplinary translational researchers.

This post will seek to develop a zebrafish model to study disease pathogenesis in ADPKD and identify new drugs. The project will be based at the MRC Centre for Development and Biomedical Genetics and be co-supervised by Drs F Van Eeden and TJ Chico. The successful candidate will be expected to register for a 3 year full time PhD at the University of Sheffield.

It is essential you will have a good first honours degree in biology or biomedical science and significant experience in cell biology, molecular biology or developmental biology. You will have an excellent academic record, a high level of enthusiasm for scientific research and be creative in problem solving. You should be able to work independently, flexibly and creatively, with excellent organisational skills and the ability to interact well within a large team and external groups.

This post is funded by the European Union and is available from 1 April 2013 for 36 months (fixed-term).

For further information, please see
Or contact Professor Ong (