The Fish Evo Devo Geno Lab (PI: Ingo Braasch, at Michigan State University is recruiting highly motivated PhD students interested in working on the genomic basis of vertebrate evolution and development to start in Summer/Fall 2021.

The Braasch Lab focuses on genomic and developmental changes that contribute to major transitions during the course of vertebrate evolution and studies evolutionary novelties at the levels of genome structure, gene family evolution, and gene regulation. We combine sequencing and comparative analyses of fish genomes with analyses of molecular evolution and functional genetic and developmental approaches (CRISPR genome editing, transgenics, gene expression analyses, epigenomic profiling) in a variety of model species (zebrafish, spotted gar, medaka, killifish, and others).

Graduate projects fall within the following broader research areas of the group:

1. Functional genomic analyses of zebrafish and other biomedical fish models

Combining genomic sequence comparisons, gene expression analyses and epigenomic profiling, we aim to improve connectivity of teleost biomedical fish models such as zebrafish, medaka, killifishes, etc. to human biology and disease.

2. Genomic and morphological evolution of fishes

How do morphological differences among fish and other vertebrate lineages arise from diversification of gene repertoires? What is the role of gen(om)e duplications and gene losses in generating phenotypic diversity? How do changes in gene regulation contribute to evolutionary novelties and key innovations? We study a number of gene families that are of particular importance for the evolution of the vertebrate body plan, e. g. genes involved in development of the vertebrate-specific neural crest cells.

3. Conquest of land and ‘fish-out-of-water’

We are studying genomic changes and their functional consequences leading to the evolution of tetrapods from fishes and other ‘fish-out-of-water’ scenarios, including the evolutionary loss of genes at the water-to-land transition and the gene regulatory basis of hatching.

We are highly committed to diversity and equity and to foster an inclusive and accessible work environment.

MSU IBIO has a strong research commitment to vertebrate biology with a highly collaborative community of groups working on vertebrate and fish evolution, genomics, development, population genetics, neuroscience, behavior, ecology, and conservation, allowing for vibrant exchange among fields, methods and model systems.


Applicants should hold a bachelor’s degree in biology, genetics, genomics, molecular biology, bioinformatics, developmental biology, zoology or related fields. Suitable candidates should be enthusiastic about working in an interdisciplinary manner and have a passion for fish/vertebrate biology and evolution. Previous research experience in a relevant area is desired, but not required.


Students will be admitted through the MSU IBIO Graduate Program( and the MSU Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB) Program ( Another possible route of admission is through the MSU Genetics and Genome Sciences Graduate Program within the MSU BioMolecular Science Gateway(

Application deadlines for the MSU IBIO and Genetics Graduate Programs are December 1, 2020. Note that GRE scores are not required for application.


Financial support is provided through research and teaching assistantships and the PI’s external funding from NSF and NIH. Competitive applicants will be eligible for university fellowships and supported in applying for graduate fellowships from NSF, NIH, and other agencies.

Interested candidates should email Ingo Braasch ( in advance of the application deadlines on December 1.

Please include the following in your email:

1.    Brief description of your research interests and how they align with a PhD/Masters in vertebrate Evo-Devo and genomics

2.    Curriculum Vitae

3.    Names and email contacts of 2-3 references

We are looking forward to your application!

Ingo Braasch

Assistant Professor

Department of Integrative Biology

College of Natural Science

Michigan State University

Twitter: @fishevodevogeno