Professors (Teaching & Research), Faculty of Science & Engineering, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom


QMUL is recruiting up to 10 Professorial positions across the Faculty of Science and Engineering. See items - Jobs ( advert and how to apply. Informal requests for information can be made to

To complement existing strengths and foster collaborations between research centres within the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences and beyond the School of BIological and Behavioural Sciences is seeking individuals applying multi-disciplinary approaches to questions in: fundamental biology underpinning health through the life course and precision medical sciences; ecology, in particular in host/ pathogen interactions and agro-, soil- and landscape ecology; engineering biology including industrial biotechnology and synthetic biology; applied/translational psychology in the areas of clinical, community or environmental psychology; and/or functional genomics, particularly related to social behaviour.


We are also interested in those applying AI to questions in the biosciences and medical and psychological sciences.