Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Reader, Randall Centre for Cell & Molecular Biophysics, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom


The Randall Centre for Cell and Molecular Biophysics at King’s College London invites applications for a post at the Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Reader (equivalent to Associate Professor) level to lead an interdisciplinary, dynamic and forward-looking programme in cell/developmental biophysics or quantitative cell/developmental biology.


The post will be embedded in the vibrant, highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment of the Randall Centre within the School of Basic and Medical Biosciences. The successful candidate will join an interactive group of investigators with established strengths in cell biology, biophysics and imaging. They will complement the major strengths of the Randall in applying interdisciplinary research to fundamental discovery biology, such as dynamic cell organisation and function. The appointee will lead a strong, internationally recognised and externally funded research programme that combines cell and developmental biology with other approaches, including quantitative methods, omics or physical sciences such as biophysics.


Recruitment for this post is in the context of a major expansion in interdisciplinary science at King’s. The ideal candidate’s research interests will have the potential to bridge research interests between Departments and Schools within the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine and beyond, fostering collaborative possibilities. Located in central London, King’s benefits from advances in Science, Technology and Enterprise across the capital, including our partnership with the Francis Crick Institute.


The Randall Centre is strongly committed to research-enriched education and the appointee will contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching across our School of Bioscience programmes.


Applicants should have a strong track record appropriate to their level (e.g. an independent track record for Senior Lecturer or Reader), experience in attracting peer reviewed research grant funding, a commitment to promoting a positive research culture and experience in undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching.


Applications should include: 1) a 1 page cover letter highlighting key scientific contributions, a brief summary of future plans and fit to the Centre, 2) a CV with a full publication list, 3) a research statement (up to 2 pages) and 4) a teaching statement (up to 1 page).


More details, including information on how to apply and key requirements for the post, will be available at https://www.kcl.ac.uk/jobs/academic-and-teaching-jobs in December. For informal enquiries, please contact Professor Sasi Conte (sasi.conte@kcl.ac.uk) or Professor Riki Eggert (ulrike.eggert@kcl.ac.uk).