ZEBRAFISH HUSBANDRY WORKSHOP – Aquaculture 2016 – Las Vegas
Tuesday February 23rd - ZHA ANNUAL MEETING - - 10:30–12:00 followed by Lunch 12:30-1:30
Full schedule here:
Survey.xlsxDear Members of the Zebrafish Research Community,
In conjunction with the upcoming special issue on Zebrafish Health Management in Zebrafish (http://www.liebertpub.com/lpages/zeb-cfp-spec-health-1015/129/), we are pleased to invite you to participate in a survey, designed to gather information on various aspects related to the husbandry and health management of laboratory zebrafish at your institution.
The results of this survey will be summarized in an opening article in the special issue. Please note that any information pertaining to the participating institution(s) will be kept strictly confidential, so in essence your information will be anonymous and will not be related back to your institution in any way. That said, we may contact you if we have additional questions.
The survey, which will take roughly 10-15 minutes to complete, can be found below. We ask that you provide as much of the requested information as possible, as this will enable the community to have the most complete picture of where we currently stand regarding information that we will need to move forward to promote health of our laboratory zebrafish. The survey includes some instructions, but please do not hesitate to contact one of us if you need help filling it out.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration
Judith Eisen
Chris Lawrence
Zoltan Varga
Survey is attached below.
Please send completed surveys to clawrence@enders.tch.harvard.edu
Dear All,
I am writing to update you regarding the zebrafish work at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. As some of you might know Derek Stemple has recently left the institute. Derek has been at the Institute since June 2003 and has been the Head of the Mouse and Zebrafish Genetics programme since 2010. During his time at the Sanger he has made a transformative impact on his field. His work on the Zebrafish genome has made it one of the most comprehensively studied vertebrate genomes next to human and mouse. He also oversaw the generation of a zebrafish mutation resource knocking out over 13,000 genes. He has made an extremely substantial contribution to Sanger science and we wish him all the best for his future.
I am aware that the Zebrafish Mutation Project under Derek’s leadership has collaborated with a number of groups internationally and as a result plays an important role within the zebrafish research community. Moving forward Elisabeth Busch-Nentwich as Head of the Vertebrate Genetics and Genomics group will continue to work closely with many of you. The Institute will support Elisabeth and the team to transfer the research and resources to an appropriate new host institution in the future. During this period of change Elisabeth and I are keen to continue to support maximum access to the resources and data generated and maintain collaborations with the wider research community. If you have any questions please contact Elisabeth in the first instance.
Many thanks,
Professor Sir Mike Stratton FMedSci FRS
Director, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Chief Executive, Wellcome Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1223 494757
email: mrs@sanger.ac.uk
Jo Jones (Executive Personal Assistant) Tel: +44 (0)1223 494739
Rachel Curran (Associate Director Academic Affairs) Tel: +44 (0)1223 496979
Julia Wilson (Associate Director External Relations) Tel: +44 (0) 1223 492357