Anti-Vitellogenin Antibody ,clone LG-4C8

Anti-Vitellogenin Antibody ,clone LG-4C8

Antibody Name (copy page name from title above)

 Anti-Vitellogenin  Antibody ,clone LG-4C8
Other names, clone ids, catalog ids etc. Anti-Vitellogenin monoclonal antibody, clone LG-4C8 ;DMABT-Z60324
Does it work on zebrafish? (Yes or No) yes
Host organism Mouse
Immunogen organism Full length native vitellogenin purified from whole body homogenate of 17 beta estradiol treated zebrafish.
Antibody isotype IgG2b
Antibody type (monocional, polycional, or none)Monoclonal
Anatomical structures recognized
(use terms from the ZFIN Anatomical Ontology)

Recognized target molecules (gene names, domains, epitopes ...)VTG

Recognized ZFIN genes
current ZFIN-gene symbols only ZFIN Gene Search

Supplier(s)Creative Diagnostics

Assays Tested

(ChIP, IHC, IP or WB)
(Yes or No)

Submitter Note

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