Zebrafish Newsgroup Information

Zebrafish Newsgroup Information

General information:

The zebrafish newsgroup is a moderated, online discussion group for anyone interested in zebrafish research. Posted messages will first go to the newsgroup's moderator (currently Jonathan Knight at ZFIN). If deemed appropriate for the newsgroup, the message will be forwarded to the full subscription list via e-mail and posted on the newsgroup site. Please note that the newsgroup is not monitored evenings or weekends, so messages posted outside of normal business hours in the Pacific time zone in the US will be delayed until the next business day.

Recent topics on the newsgroup include protocols and techniques, water quality and disease issues, and information on suppliers, job openings and funding opportunities. We encourage you to get connected with your colleagues through the zebrafish newsgroup!

Subscribing and Participating

Google Groups is a convenient way to access the zebrafish newsgroup on the web. See this URL: http://groups.google.com/group/bionet.organisms.zebrafish/topics?hl=en&lnk=gschg
To post messages to the group, you will need to subscribe. This is easy - click on "subscribe to this group", choose "Google Groups" after you have created an account, and enter "bionet.organisms.zebrafish" in the "Find groups" dialog box.

Newsreader software also provides an easy way to access the newsgroup. There are a number of newsreaders available. Some are standalone, others come built into web browsers. They will need the "atom-feed" of the zebrafish news group - http://groups.google.com/group/bionet.organisms.zebrafish/feed/atom_v1_0_msgs.xml.

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