Call to Organize Meetings
Dear colleagues, I'd like to let you know of the recent launch of an ESF-funded Research Networking Programme called “QuanTissue”. This RNP will run from 2011 to 2016 and aims to foster an interactive and collaborative network to bridge the gap between traditional developmental cell biology, biophysics and systems biology in Europe. Please, find more information following this link:
In particular, we have launched a call to fund the organisation of small meetings. QuanTissue will evaluate the proposals and, if successful, we will fund the meetings/schools/workshops. For 2012, we have chosen to three topics. Please find further information and the link to the applications below:
I truly hope that you'll take advantage of this initiative. Best wishes,
Dr. Hernán López-Schier
Laboratory of Sensory Cell Biology & Organogenesis
Centre de Regulació Genòmica - PRBB
Doctor Aiguader, 88 (08003) Barcelona; Spain
TE (office): +34 93 316 0134
TE (lab): +34 93 316 0130
Fax: +34 93 316 0099
European Science Foundation Network "QuanTissue"