Fish and Amphibians research @Unibe 29-30 November 2021 (webinar)

Fish and Amphibians research @Unibe 29-30 November 2021 (webinar)

We are very happy to announce the first non‐mammalian focused webinar presenting

research activities performed at the University of Bern but also husbandry practices with

leading experts in the field. We are honoured to have also international specialists sharing

their know‐how with less common species or set–up such cephalopods, research with wild

fish and welfare.

Please use this link to register. https://unibe-ch.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8ZwAsdwVQlCpMXs_GhKVYw

Fee: University of Bern participants, free; external participants: 80 CHF (via Payrexx).



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