Quarantine Room Procedures

Quarantine Room Procedures

(Source: S. Russell from Zebrafish Book 5th Edition)

Fish brought in from the outside (i.e. not born in the facility) must be isolated in a quarantine room to reduce the risk of contaminating the existing stocks with infectious diseases.  The following procedures are designed to prevent the accidental spread of diseases from the quarantine area.
1.   Only pre-authorized people are allowed in the quarantine room.
2.   All incoming fish are examined and, if necessary, treated for velvet disease.
3.   All new fish are to be checked daily for two weeks for signs of illness. Remove any potentially sick fish.
4.   Dead fish are transported in a plastic bag and flushed down the sink in the quarantine area with lots of water.
5.   No live adult fish are to be moved from the quarantine room unless they leave the building entirely.
6.   Embryos obtained in the quarantine room (after the initial 2 week period) must be treated in bleach before leaving the room.  To bleach eggs, prepare two beakers of bleach solution, containing 0.1 ml of 5% sodium hypochlorite in 170 ml of system water.  Mix thoroughly.  Place the eggs in the first beaker, and allow them to stand for 5 minutes. Pour off the bleach solution, and rinse the eggs with system water.  Allow the eggs to stand in system water for 5 minutes.  Place the eggs in the second beaker of bleach solution for 5 minutes.  Rinse the eggs with system water.  Place the eggs into a small disposable Petri dish.  Eggs that have been properly bleached can be removed safely from the quarantine room.
7.   No equipment can leave the quarantine area without being bleached or autoclaved.  Equipment is transported, cleaned and stored in containers that are kept separate from the central facility containers and are labeled "Q-room".  No equipment is to be moved in or out of the Q-room without prior approval.
8.   Always wash hands (and arms) carefully in the local sink using antiseptic soap after working in the quarantine room.
9.   When working in the quarantine area, assume that everything (including yourself) is contaminated.  Think about what you are doing!

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