Genetic Methods
Genetic Methods
- Conventions For Naming Zebrafish Genes
- Suggested Guidelines For Maintaining Mutant Stocks
- Overview Of Methods For Parthenogenesis
- Production Of Haploid Embryos
- Production Of Homozygous Diploid Embryos
- Delayed In Vitro Fertilization Using Coho Salmon Ovarian Fluid
- Production Of Androgenetic Haploids And Diploids
- Freezing Sperm
- Thawing And Using Frozen Sperm For In-Vitro Fertilization
- A High-Throughput Method For Sperm Cryopreservation And In Vitro Fertilization
- Gamma Ray Mutagenesis
- Chemical Mutagenesis
- ENU Mutagenesis Procedure With Increased Fish Survival
- Testosterone Treatment To Produce Males
- Fin Amputations
- Zinc Finger Nucleases - the Utah-Big Love Approach