Thawing And Using Frozen Sperm For In-Vitro Fertilization
(Source: C. Walker and G. Streisinger from Zebrafish Book 5th Edition)
1.  Obtain eggs as deÂscribed in the section Embryo Production By In Vitro Fertilization (see page 2.14).
2.  Place a 70 μl droplet of ice-cold 100% Hank's saline next to the eggs on the Petri dish.
3.  Remove the capillary from the liquid nitroÂgen and thaw for a few seconds in air.
4.  Expel the sperm into the dropÂlet of 100% Hank's saline with gentle presÂsure, mix gently, and then mix with the eggs.
5.  Let sit 0.5-1 minute, then add 0.75 ml fish water and let it sit another 2 minutesÂ.
6.  Add more water to bring the soluÂtion level up to about half the volume of the Petri dish.
The above recipe assumes an average of 10-11 mm of sperm. To calculate the amount of thawing medium needed for different amounts of sperm:
Sperm Thawing Medium:
a.  Measure the mm of sperm + freezÂing medium (sm) in the capillary.
b. Convert to volume:
   10μl (cap. vol.)      x   mm sm = vol. (μl) 90 mm (cap. length)            1
c.  Multiply the calculated volÂume x 10 and use that much 100% Hank's saline for thawÂing.