Anti-NF1(C-terminal) PAb

Anti-NF1(C-terminal) PAb

Antibody Name (copy page name from title above)

Anti-NF1 PAb
Other names, clone ids, catalog ids etc.Anti-NF1 (C-terminal) polyclonal antibody ; DPABH-13090
Does it work on zebrafish? (Yes or No)yes
Host organismRabbit
Immunogen organismThe epitope recognized maps to a region between residue 2760 and the C terminus (residue 2818) of human Neurofibromin 1 using the numbering given in entry NP_000258.1 (GeneID 4763).
Antibody isotypeIgG
Antibody type (monocional, polycional, or none)Polyclonal
Anatomical structures recognized
(use terms from the ZFIN Anatomical Ontology)

Recognized target molecules (gene names, domains, epitopes ...)NF1

Recognized ZFIN genes
current ZFIN-gene symbols only ZFIN Gene Search

Supplier(s)Creative Diagnostics

Assays Tested

(ChIP, IHC, IP or WB)
(Yes or No)

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