Zebrafish Health and Welfare Glossary - Welfare Terms, Abdomen

Zebrafish Health and Welfare Glossary - Welfare Terms, Abdomen


ParameterWelfare   Indicators  

Sub Category

   Synonyms         Definitions       Severity ScorePicture
AnusBleeding                            Presence of considerable blood in stools or from anus                                      
Scales / SkinLesion Wound   
  Open - Abrasion Damage to the skin consisting of loss of the epidermis and portions of the dermis but not the complete thickness  of the skin

Mild: *No more than 10% of body

Moderate: Covering not more than 20% of body

Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open

  Open - Incision A wound created by a sharp object. Edges are smooth and trauma to surrounding tissue is minimal.

Mild: *No more than 10% of body

Moderate:  Covering not more than 20% of body

Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open

  Open - Laceration An irregular wound created by tearing of tissue. Damage    to both superficial and underlying   tissue is variable.

Mild: *No more than 10% of body

Moderate:  Covering not more than 20% of body

Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open

  Open - Puncture A penetrating    wound cause by pointed object 

Mild: *No more than 10% of body

Moderate:  Covering not more than 20% of body

Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open

  Closed - Contusion Damage of the skin and/or  underlying structures without breaking the skin e.g. Bruising, crush

Mild: *No more than 10% of body

Moderate:  Covering       not more than 20% of  body

Severe: Covering more than 20% of body

SkinSwelling Under Skin Masses, Raised Areas, LumpsAbnormal  appearance of masses or all descriptions (hard, soft, different shapes etc.)

Mild: 1 mass under the  skin which is not affecting natural   behaviour

Moderate: Multiple massess under the skin  which is not affecting natural behaviour

Severe: Multiple masses under the skin and natural behaviour affected

GeneralOedema  An excessive accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces or a body cavity.

Mild: *Oedema - low     level and highly localised fluid accumulation in tissue

Moderate: Oedema - increased fluid accumulation in one or many tissues

Severe: Oedema - high fluid accumulation in one  or multiple tissues

GeneralDistended EnlargedAbdomen appears curved outward or swollen

Mild: Abdomen    marginally distended

Moderate: Abdomen distended and reddening

Severe: Abdomen distended, reddened, unable to maintain skilful and effective interaction   of movements and maintenance of  equilibrium

  SoftFluidyAbdomen feels soft and fluid to touch  
  HardSolidAbdomen feels hard to touch  
AnusFaeces staying on fish  Faeces hanging from anus for an extended period of time  

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