Zebrafish Health and Welfare Glossary - Contact

Zebrafish Health and Welfare Glossary - Contact

Contact us!

Your feedback and suggestions are very welcome!

Propose new terms! Refine existing terms!

Contact us with questions, concerns, and with suggestions how to improve this site.

Nicola Goodwin

Department of Medicine Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Cambridge University

Cambridge UK

Email: ngoodwin@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk

Katrina Murray, DVM, Ph.D.

Zebrafish International Resource Center

5274 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403

mail: katy@zebrafish.org

Zoltán M. Varga, PhD

Zebrafish International Resource Center

5274 University of Oregon Eugene,

OR 97403

email: zoltan@zebrafish.org