Parameter | Welfare Indicators | Sub Category | Synonyms | Definitions | Severity Score | Picture |
Skin | Lesion | | Wound | | | |
| | Open - Abrasion | | Damage to the skin consisting of loss of the epidermis and portions of the dermis but not the complete thickness of the skin. | Mild: *No more than 10% of body Moderate: Covering not more than 20% of body Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open | |
| | Open - Incision | | A wound created by a sharp object. Edges are smooth and trauma to surrounding tissue is minimal | Mild: *No more than 10% of body Moderate: Covering not more than 20% of body Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open | |
| | Open - Laceration | | An irregular wound created by tearing of tissue. Damage to both superficial and underlying tissue is variable | Mild: *No more than 10% of body Moderate: Covering not more than 20% of body Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open | |
| | Open - Puncture | | A penetrating wound caused by pointed object | Mild: *No more than 10% of body Moderate: Covering not more than 20% of body Severe: Covering more than 20% of body, open | |
| | Closed - Contusion | | Damage of the skin and /or underlying structures without breaking the skin e.g. bruising, crush | Mild: *No more than 10% of body Moderate: Covering not more than 20% of body Severe: Covering more than 20% of body | |
Skin | Masses under skin | | Swellings Raised areas Lumps | Abnormal appearance of masses or all descriptions (hard, soft, different shapes etc.) | Mild: 1 mass under the skin / fins which is not affecting natural behaviour Moderate: Multiple massess under the skin which is not affecting natural behaviour Severe: Multiple massess under the skin and natural behaviour affected | |
General | Reddening | | | Redend area on the head, all of head | Mild: Reddening of head, not affecting development or natural behaviours Moderate: Reddening of head, reduced development compared to controls, able to perform natural behaviours Severe: Reddening of head affecting development and natural behaviours | |
General | Small holes | | | Small holes / eroding pits in the head | | |
Eyes | Opacity | | | Presence of a opaque object in/on the eye | Mild: Opacity of the eyes not affecting natural behaviour or development Moderate: Opacity of the eyes affecting development Severe: Opacity of the eyes affecting development and natural behaviours | |
Eyes | Damaged | | | Lesion (superficial growth or patch of skin not resembling the surrounding area) on/in the eye | | |
Eyes | Protruding | | Swollen Enlarged | Eye protruding from socket | Mild: Eyes slightly enlarged compared to controls, not expected for strain, not affecting natural behaviour Moderate: Eyes enlarged and slightly protruding, natural behaviour not affected Severe: Eyes enlarged, protruding, reddening around eye, natural behaviour effected |   |
Eyes | Swellings | | Masses Raised areas Lumps | Abnormal appearance of swellings or all descriptions (hard, soft, different shapes etc.) on the outside of the eye | | |
Eyes | Bleeding | | | Bleeding around the eyes | | |
Eyes | Bubble formation | | | Bubbles within the retro bulbar area | | |
Eyes | Deformed | | | | | |
| | Macro-opthalamia | Macrophthalamos Big eyes Enlarged Eyes | Abnormal enlargement of one of both of the eyes | Mild: Eyes slightly enlarged compared to controls, not expected for strain, not affecting natural behaviour Moderate: Eyes enlarged and slightly protruding, natural behaviour not affected Severe: Eyes enlarged, protruding, reddening around eye, natural behaviour effected | |
| | Abnormal Shape | | Abnormal shape | | |
Operculum | Operculum loss | | Curled operculum Red gills visable | Operculum loss, leaving gill plates visible | |  |
Operculum | Bleeding from the operculum | | | Bleeding from the operculum | Mild: Red liquid from operculum, no abnormal behaviour or anesthetised Moderate: Red liquid from operculum, increased or decreased operculum movement and not anesthetised Severe: Red liquid from operculum, decreased or increased operculum movement, inactive / lethargic even if provoked (non – responsive) and not anesthatised | |
Operculum | Pale gills | | | Loss of colour within the gill plates | | |
Operculum | Reddening of the gills | | | Increased reddening of the gill plates | | |
Operculum | Yellowing of the gills | | | Yellow colouration of gills | | |
Mouth | Gasping | | Rapid breathing | Mouth opening and closing rapidly, fish at surface of water | | |
Mouth | Malformed jaw | | Abnormal mouth | Jaws are positioned abnormally | Mild:Malformed jaw, not affecting development or natural behaviours Moderate: Malformed jaw, reduced development compared to controls, able to perform natural behaviours Severe: Malformed jaw, unable to perform natural behaviours, emaciation |  |
Mouth | White swelling | | Masses Raised areas Lumps | White swelling of cotton appearance | | |
| | | | | | |